What does PE look like in our ACORN curriculum – INTENT & IMPLEMENTATION
A: Opportunities to compete in sport and other activities build character and help to embed values such as fairness and respect.
C: We develop our sense of identity by learning to ‘Sweat, Smile and Succeed’. PE gives the confidence to know who we are as individuals and how to improve our individual talents and skills, to develop in sports and physical activity.
O: Communication is key in sport and physical teamwork activities. Verbal communication is a key skill, facilitating the POWER to succeed in PE.
R: Co-operation and collaboration is key in PE, enabling us to play our part in effective teamwork in order to … ‘Sweat, Smile and Succeed’.
N: Physical activity and teamwork enables us to develop our resilience and self-awareness. PE teaches us co-operation. Competition in PE teaches us to be aspirational and resilient. We learn to be gracious when we win and lose.
Our assessments are showing that the children at Green Oaks Primary Academy have become more active throughout the year due to initiatives such as The Daily Mile, 30 minutes a Day and activities run by peer Playleaders at lunchtimes. Using Sports Premium funding, children have a wider variety of sports, sporting events and experiences such as Skateboard and Scooting workshops, football workshops, Day with a professional rugby player. Our children have developed a wide range of physical skills – this has been developed during experience sessions to develop teachers’ subject knowledge of the skill requirements, particularly in gymnastics. Coaches have delivered CPD to a number of teaching staff in lessons across the year and in a number of PE disciplines. Children have experienced initiatives such as Walk to School Week and The Daily Mile, which has raised the profile of living a healthy, active lifestyle. Pupils can demonstrate a very good understanding of rules and a sense of fair play, and can apply these skills to the wider curriculum, and they have developed a wide range of personal and social skills/team building and leadership skills – this has been supported by team teaching with staff in identified year groups, in particular ECTs this year. A ever increasing number of children from across the school have been given the opportunities to participate in internal and external competitive opportunities and are capable of handling both winning and losing with respect for themselves and their opponents.