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Green Oaks Primary Academy



What does Music look like in our ACORN curriculum – INTENT & IMPLEMENTATION 

A: The curriculum will engage and inspire pupils to develop a love of music and their talents as musicians, and so increase their self-confidence, creativity and sense of achievement.  

C: The different genres of music which are explored in the curriculum introduce them to the wonderfully diverse story of music and build pupil’s declarative knowledge of musical culture and history. Increasing cultural contextual understanding is enhanced by learning about music which relates to other areas of the curriculum.  

O: Beginning to understand the language of music might be described as becoming more ‘musical’. This is the aim of this curriculum. As such, each unit has a musical focus, such as pulse, rhythm, tempo, pitch, timbre, dynamics, form/structure, texture or harmony or a combination of these. 

R: Each lesson includes an element of working with others. This is central to musical practice and may be experienced as a whole class or in smaller groups which are introduced as the children get older and can manage social cooperation with more efficacy. 

N: Practising, improvising and/or composing then allows them further to experience and investigate the key musical focus before performing the music they have made to their peers. Evaluation of their own and others’ performances concludes the process. 



When our pupils leave us, they will have developed a musical knowledge through experiences of rehearsing, practising and performing. They will have built on their procedural knowledge and technical skills to allow them to realise and develop their own expressive intentions through music.  


“I like the excavator song.”  

“At home I play the double base, I like playing it because it’s not high pitched like the violin” 

“I play the violin and learning to play Christmas songs. It’s fun to sing to your families.”