What does Maths look like in our ACORN curriculum – INTENT & IMPLEMENTATION
A: Our curriculum is designed to teach children to become critically thinking mathematicians who are curious about the subject discipline of maths and the concepts sequenced for their learning. Planned and incidental opportunities for learning maths in the real world develops their understanding of how maths is used in society.
C: Maths includes everybody and every child accesses opportunities that build fluency, reasoning and problem solving within their year group expectations.
O: An essential part of our maths curriculum is the opportunity for pupils to develop their verbal reasoning skills using subject specific vocabulary. Activities include reasoning and the opportunity to think aloud vocally when problem solving. Maths working walls and the teaching part of our lessons introduce key mathematical vocabulary (sticky words) and sentence stems which children are encouraged to use during class discussions and weave into any written answers.
R: Children are given the opportunity to make links and understand the relationships of how maths is included in other subject areas. Teachers develop mathematical skills by planning opportunities to teach and embed concepts across subjects, for instance, developing their skills and understanding of statistics in their science learning. Staff promote children to also independently make connections across subjects. In lessons, pupils’ relationships are nurtured to teach them how to work collaboratively with respect.
N: Children are encouraged to build resilience in maths. Opportunities are given for pupils to attempt challenging problems and to develop their confidence in how to tackle more thought provoking questions.
When our pupils leave us, they will have developed their wider subject knowledge and take with them a bank of fundamental mathematical skills learnt through quality first teaching. Our very youngest pupils will have built a secure foundation in number by engaging with the Mastering Number program before embarking on the cyclical progression of our maths scheme (Planpanion) where teachers teach, apply and revisit concepts on a spiral approach. This supports working to long term memory transition, meaning that our pupils will be able to retain and recall key mathematical knowledge throughout their future.
“I was proud in Maths because we had to work together as a team, and I think I did that really well.”
“We use maths all the time like in history, timelines, it is important because it is used in everyday life and it challenges your brain and engages you and you get quick and snappy.”