What does DT look like in our ACORN curriculum – INTENT & IMPLEMENTATION
A: Children become aware that design is all around us and become inspired to think about the important and integral role which design and the creation of designed products play in our society.
C: Children are given the opportunity understand how design technology is interwoven and impacts their community by focusing on the environment and sustainability and enterprise and innovation. Children are encouraged to be self-aware and are given the opportunity to consider the importance of the consumer/user by celebrating differences in their designs.
O: Discussion is encouraged in design technology and children will learn how their vocal ideas and opinions during lessons play a pivotal part of the design process.
R: The curriculum is designed to be delivered alongside the PKC art, science and history curricula, as parts of it directly relate to areas of knowledge which the pupils acquire in these subjects. Understanding the relationships between design technology and these subjects allow the children to consolidate their knowledge by creating connections between the different disciplines.
N: Children’s study will be recorded in workbooks. These are working documents which evidence the design process and may include notes, annotated photographs, drawings, diagrams and photographs of prototypes and finished work, as well as students’ evaluation of the projects which they undertake. This will ensure that teachers and pupils alike will be aspirational, identify progression in knowledge, process and application of skills and develop resilience, learning from their mistakes.
When our pupils leave us, they will understand and appreciate the impact design technology has on modern day living and how it can shape the future. They will know how to take risks, and be resourceful, innovative, enterprising and capable citizens. They will leave armed with a high-quality design technology education and be able to make an essential contribution to the creativity, culture, wealth and well-being of the nation.
“You need to design to challenge yourself.”
“Designing is lots of things. We research what are good models. Speak about people having different opinions of inspiration. I was inspired by one method but couldn’t use that because there weren’t the materials available. So, I looked again and changed my design.”
Expressive Arts and Design (EAD) is an essential area of learning in the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS). It encourages children to explore various media, discover how they can be combined, and create unique effects. Through EAD, children develop a wide range of skills and techniques, experimenting with color, design, texture, form, and function.
In our nurturing environment, children have daily access to diverse creative opportunities. Well-planned and well-resourced creative areas are available both indoors and outdoors. Children are encouraged to express themselves on both small and large scales, with our outdoor environment particularly supporting large-scale creations.
Our dedicated staff foster the development of communication and language skills by encouraging children to discuss their artistic creations and share them with others. As they engage in expressive arts, children revisit and master various art skills, aligning with the Early Learning Goals (ELGs) within the Early Years Framework.