Ofsted Visit

Ofsted visited the school on the 10th and 11th of October 2017. It went really well!
Ofsted visited the school on the 10th and 11th of October 2017. The inspection went really well and the inspector was able to see many of the improvements which have been taking place during the last 9 months. Full details of the letter, which I am very proud to share with you, can be found below.
A few highlights of the report are:
"There is clear ambition and determination in all staff to improve the school's performance quickly and sustainably."
"Leaders have a clear sense of direction for improving the school."
"Pupils have a positive attitude to their work. They talk enthusiastically about the activities they have been given."
"Low level disruption is rare. Behaviour outside at break and lunchtime is positive."
"There is a new library area and reading spaces are now in all classrooms. These are encouraging pupils to develop a love of books and reading"